
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wishing for longer days and a sleepy baby...

It has been a while since I've managed to find the time to make some quality arty stuff (that hasn't been intended as a pressie for someone), so there has been fewer time to blog about it. Oh how I wish for longer days, and a baby who would sleep a whole lot more. We can dream can't we?

Anywho, I felt I had no direction with my artish endeavours, so I have embarked upon a new body of work. I don't really have a title that encompasses all the ideas floating about in my head, but hopefully I'll come up with something soon. I am in love with pattern and colour, and I have always been fascinated with doodles (not the rude kind) and automatic writing/drawing. I am inclined to believe that Jackson Pollock was closer to the truth when he exclaimed that there are no accidents, but I find it fascinating to see the beautiful patterns and forms that often emerge from the unconscious when idly sketching away at the edges of a page. Mine always tend to contain intricate little patterns and details, which when enlarged are really simple compositions of geometric shapes. I love that the imagination recalls images of objects or people that we are familiar with when we look at abstract forms, so I've kind of run with it. I'm currently working on a few paintings, as well as embroidery and plush creatures, so it will be a mixed bag of work really. Hopefully in the end it will all come together.

This one is acrylic on canvas, approx. 62 x 50 cm, no title yet. My husband thinks it looks like the queen in profile, with the top being her crown and the right side her face. Now that he has put the image in my head, its all I can see. Perhaps I should paint 5p in the upper left corner.

I think a great deal of my inspiration also comes from textile design, and patterns designed for home interiors.  The painting below was a gift for my lovely husband, and one of my personal favourites. It was inspired by an IKEA fabric that had uniform rows of tear drop shapes in black and white. It's no longer being sold so I'm afraid I can't say who the designer was, or the name of the print. It reminded me a little of the work of Mitjili Napurrula, and aboriginal artist working in the Northern Territory. So here is my interpretation, more organic than the fabric design, but still in contrasting rows of black and white. a little more unifrom and less colourful than some of Napurrula's works. There is something a bit special about black and white patterns, for me at least.

Apologies for the picture quality. I was too lazy to take it down from its place on my living room wall, and the lighting in that room is terrible for photography. It is acrylic on canvas, untitled, and measures approx. 77 x 102 cm.

Well, as long as the boy is still napping, there is painting to be done.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

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